dinsdag 25 februari 2014

New Godzilla Trailer

Amazing new Godzilla trailer. I like the way that they don't actually show the monster until the very end, but only for very briefly. This created suspense throughout all of the trailer. I'm not sure if Bryan Cranston would be the best actor in Godzilla (judging from his appearence in Breaking Bad), however i'm very excited for this film. The sounds they used when they fades out and in were also very nice, creating lots of tension throughout the trailer, it made you anticipate a jumpscare or very loud noise, but that didn't happen until the end, and in that way it still surprised you.


I thought this commercial was very effective, mostly because of the title "just add zero" which basically means add nothing. But Coka Cola found a way to make that into something. It is also very action-packed, it's exciting and doesn't make you want to just change the channel. I also like the camera-work because it doesn't really feel like you are watching a commercial, it almost seems like you are watching part of a movie.